Saturday, January 24, 2009


Has anyone else noticed MAJOR bingeing during their period? Cuz I have been eating NON-STOP and I feel fucking disgusting. And I mean seriously non-stop. I just was making 'low fat' chocolate cupcakes, and I just binged on the dough. And then I purged, and realized how much I ate. And that's only a teensy weensy little bit of what I've eaten today. UGH UGH UGH!!!

Thankfully, my periods only last 1-3 days, so should be fine. Need to get my weight down before I see my grandparents. I'm trying to take 2 tsps of apple vinegar before every meal and I've started dancing every night for half an hour. I also purge occasionally, which, although I know is TERRIBLE for my health, addictive and it does make me feel a lot better afterwards mentally. I also try to do it in the least damaging way to my health as possible. And next Thursday I'm going to a wall-climbing class, so once I'm certified I'll be able to go on the weekends too.

Even though I've been eating A LOT during the last few days, it's my period so even though I know it's not really an excuse, it makes me feel better a little. Hopefully I'll get back into my routine of eating well and exercising pretty quickly and I'll feel healthy and a little bit slimmer than before.

...but even so, right now I sort of feel like I want to die because I'm so fat.


1986chick said...

yes! I do! werid....

Tulip said...

Yeh its usually a pre-warning I'm about to start luckily it doesn't last any longer than a day but it defo happens...

Anonymous said...

Good. It's not just me.
In my case, it's iron-rich and high-protein foods. I've been known to go through two cans of tuna, a cheeseburger, and a handful of walnuts in the span of a couple of hours in times like those.